A picture of me



“Dad, what is this?” I said, opening PB.EXE on my 386 machine.
“You can program the computer with this, it’s called PowerBASIC.”, he said.
Armed with two reference manuals I went with it.

MS-DOS, PowerBASIC, two-finger-pecking


My first useful program came to life three years later, a GUI re-implementation of his DOS utility “Growth Curve Analysis” performing linear regression for parameters of a specific function describing the growth of birds using Delphi.

Windows, Borland Delphi, ten-finger touch-typing

2003 - 2007

Two years later I “invented” what the world commonly calls interpreter, a crude C++ program that parsed a string into an evaluable function. I creatively dubbed my invention “Mathstring”. Studying mathematics didn’t come easy and it took some time until courses required more programming again.

C++, numerical analysis

2008 - 2010

I focused on numerical analysis and, supported by my first programming job, I dove deep into C++ and even implemented symbolic differentiation via template meta programming. Eventually I discovered C++ FQA Lite in 2010 and soon contracted the LISP bug (thanks Yossi!).

C++ really, C, Linux, vim, GNU coreutils

2011 - 2015

I finished my studies and got a great job writing Java and PHP webapps.

CommonLISP, Java, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, eclipse, vim, CSS, MySQL, jQuery, Knockout.js, Angular.

2016 - now

Clojure entered the picture in 2016.

Clojure, Java, PHP, JavaScript, eclipse, vim, vs code, CSS, MySQL, sqlite, MongoDB, React, Reagent + Re-Frame, Flutter.

Dead tree knowledge rules

Web-Design + Hosting

Websites do not need to transfer megabytes of data.

Websites don’t have to ask for hundreds of cookies for third parties.

Technical excellency

A website is the modern equivalent of the business card. Just like your business, your website should be perfect.

screenshot of this websites performance analysis



  • Single-Page Application with real time message passing via websockets
  • Clojure backend
  • ClojureScript frontend (reagent + re-frame)
  • Responsive design, I18N
screenshot of the current alpha version of tt-liga

Tim Flieger | financial consultant

  • Single-Page Application with real time message passing via web sockets
  • Detailed on-page tracking without third party
  • Landing page, complex questionnaire and appointment scheduling
  • Responsive design, I18N
screenshot of

Dr. med. Marlit Gille
General practitioner

screenshot of
  • simple design adapted for all display types, from phone to 60”

Abteilung Tischtennis,
SG Motor Gohlis-Nord e.V.

screenshot of